Studio Newborn Session with Family

St. Augustine FL, Newborn Studio Session

St. Augustine FL family photo session in private studio with newborn boy.  Mom, Dad, and sister are looking at baby boy.  Boho grasses in the background, life style session on a comfy bed, high end vintage newborn props

Newborn sessions are without a doubt one of the most important photo shoots you will ever do as a family. Your baby will never grow faster than they will in their first year of life, and believe me when I tell you that the time will go by so quickly that even though we all insist as parents that we won’t EVER forget how small their toes were when they were born we most definitely do. Most of us will be too sleep deprived to take those pictures we had such great plans for during our pregnancy when we waited with great anticipation to meet our sweet baby and smell that sweet new baby smell. And it’s not like we don’t find it to be important after the baby is in our arms! It’s that suddenly we realize why that mom in Target looked a little on the frazzled side: there’s just SO MUCH to remember!!! Diaper bags and milk replace the intentions of beautifully planned monthly milestone photos, and grabbing a nap when you can replaces the list of detailed cell phone shots you wanted to do when baby finally got here.

Do yourself a huge favor and take that weight off your mind. Schedule a photo session before your baby gets here that you know you won’t need to do anything for except to show up in my studio… with your baby and the rest of your little family. Let me plan your session for you. Let me supply the wardrobe, the props, and the talent to ensure everyone looks their best. And above all, let me capture the memories of when you brought home your tiny baby and started a new adventure together.

I’ve never had a single family regret having newborn photos because there is truly nothing to regret. They are the photos that will be cherished forever and will bring back that feeling of love and excitement for what the future holds in your beautiful little baby.

Talk to you soon!


St. Augustine FL baby photographer.  Newborn baby boy with whole family snuggling on a boho bed in life style session.  Older sister in white boho dress and baby boy has navy vintage prop wrap
St. Augustine Florida newborn photographer private studio with baby boy snuggling with mom and older sister sibling in life style setting.  Clean and sanitized newborn props with vintage navy wrap for baby boy and boho dress for girl
Saint Augustine Florida newborn photographer. Baby boy with mother in photography studio during a life style session.  Baby newborn boy in vintage blue wrap with boho props
St. Augustine FL newborn photographer with private studio in St. Augustine Shores FL.  baby boy in navy blue wrap with family snuggled up with boho props and reading a book all together for a life style photo shoot
St. augustine fl newborn photography and baby photographer.  Family on prop bed with baby boy in blue wrap and his sibling is patting him while dad looks at him.  palm fronds and neutral colored background
st. augustine fl newborn photographer.  Baby photographer in private studio in St. Augustine Shores FL taking photos of baby boy and his dad both in navy.  Vintage wrap and props for baby and neutral colors for boho back drop
St Augustine Florida newborn photographer.  Baby photos for newborn boy in St. Augustine Studio.  Sister helps baby brother with pacifier while on a boho bed set up by natural light window
St. augustine fl newborn photographer.  Best baby photographer in St. Augustine Florida.  Newborn baby boy in vintage navy wrap with neutral colored boho props in background.  Parents holding baby and smiling at each other, relaxed and having fun at…
St. augustine fl newborn and baby photographer.  Baby photo session with young sister kissing his forehead.  Natural light from studio window and kids on clean, sanitized studio blanket of neutral colors
Saint Augustine Florida baby photographer.  Luxury newborn session with family in lifestyle set up including neutral colors for boho backdrop and studio wardrobe dresses.  High end props in private studio with natural window light

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